What I have been up to recently…


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biotech2050 podcast

Over the past 20 years, disruptive technologies, business models, and platforms have reshaped entire industries. Just think: do we transit, vacation, or bank the way we did just five years ago? Those very same shifts are now making their way to through the biotech and pharmaceutical industry.

We started Biotech2050 to chronicle and study these disruptions. Biotech2050 is a think tank that is exploring the disruptive forces influencing the next half-century of the life sciences industry. Our charter is two fold: i) identify transformational changes poised to reshape the industry, and ii) engage intellectually the pioneers advancing these changes.

We hope to engage with these pioneers by creating forums for these innovators; these forums will span multiple media modes, audio (podcasting), written (white papers), and social (blogs, LinkedIn). The ensuing discussions and interactions aim to inform a broader community of the evolution of biopharma and foster new collaborations across participating entities.

We welcome all members of the biopharma community to listen in on our conversations and participate as well.

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